i used to think the day would never come


Crystal DC โ€ข Malboro โ€ข CST

that my life would depend on the morning sun


name. Kore Meadows
age. 29
race. Viera
nameday. 15th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
guarding deity. Memphina, the Lover
gender. Female
pronouns. She/Her
sexuality. Bisexual (Male lean)
occupation. Courtesan spy(retired) & Illegal goods dealer
trades. Weaver and Botanist classes. Bard main and White Mage as secondary
place of origin. Bentbranch Meadows
home. La Noscea
family. Rupert the meerkat
marital status. Bonded

SOCIAL SKILLSโ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†

headcanon one. Due to the her Vieran body structure, Kore grew out of her older sister's hand-me-downs quickly which became too tight for her shape. Her mother, Ephone, would spend hours teaching the young girl to sew and stitch garments together for herself. The Rava has made quite a few dresses for herself and even now enjoys sitting with her husband by the fire and making a new garment.headcanon two. When she finds herself in close combat her knife skills shine as she fights with two small blades in a style mixed with Thavnairian dancers and Hingashi shinobis.

headcanon three. While she has many talents, cooking is not one of them. Beware when this Rava is in the kitchen as it's been known for fires or injury to occur once she is there. Unfortunately for those around her, she's taken up baking with encouragement from Rupert.headcanon four. Don't be fooled by Rupert the meerkat's simple appearance of a mongoose. Rupert is a very well-read being, with the art of mixology being his latest passion. He and his parents communicate through his different pitched chitters and context clues.

personality. The adopted child of Gridania lives a quiet life now. Not so young as she once was, she's gained a bit of weight with her new comforts of life, not that she's complaining at all.After much turmoil of wars and of loved ones passed, Kore has not lost heart or humor in this life. With a warm smile and a soft glow about her eyes the woman has always done her best to make the right choices for herself.

She has dual citizenship of Gridania and Kugane, and partially working out of La Noscea for her trades to make extra coin. But a recent bonding has made light of coin in her pocket, as her husband is abundant with riches that he shares with her.Perhaps you've seen her around before today? The purple hair is a distinct mark that gives her away at any point.

hooks + facts

quick fact one. Can speak Xaelic in a heavy Dotharl accent, though it is quite broken being so out of practice, but still understandablequick fact two. Rupert the meerkat is highly intelligent and loves coffee and sweets. He's very good driven and has a crush on a patron of PBM

quick fact three. After many strings being pulled and much coin thrown from Rutos, Kore is enrolled in The Studium in Old Sharlayan for sewing and pursuing the craft to a professional levelquick fact four. Hunts in The Forbidden Lands to escape and blow off steam

hook one. While her time in Kugane, Kore found herself to be very intrigued with the far off island known as the Forbidden Lands of Eureka, perhaps you saw her wandering and stalking monsters and poking around for something that would fetch her a good price.hook two. Do you have a need for spare magitek technologies and looking for bits and bobs to piece together? Even past her time in the Southern Front, she still has many connections in Gangos for smuggling such for a lovely price.hook three. She the Emblazoned, one of the highest ranking Blades on the Bozjan frontlines. Kore commanded quite a few soldiers in the war effort of the Dalmascans. Even now she keeps contact between a few friends and checks up on her fellow Blades.

hook four. With this, she's been caught a few times while moving the magitek parts to her cargo shipment. Thrown in a Garlean prisoners camp more than once, perhaps you were the soul who set her free or did you catch her to throw her in...?hook five. The Azim Steppe was where she learned how to fight with more heart and less with technical focus. Her time there has scarred her heart as well as developing a slight fight-or-flight trigger when dealing with the male aura race in her daily life. But once someone has proven to be a good spirit, she will let her guard down. She realizes that some may have seen here there, or perhaps some Dotharl have left for another life only to recognize her face and signature hair color.

hook six. Many years has she been a escort, not only in Kugane under the Rin family but even in La Noscea once she followed Nami to new lands. it's quite possible you've spent an intimate moment or two with the Viera in the past.hook seven. Once apart of the Archer's guild in New Gridania, Kore was a gifted student and member in the Quiver's Hold. There were many members and students to go through the wooden doors that made her acquaintance.hook eight. Have you a tunic or dares that needs a quick mend? Kore is working her way to offering her services for coin, but for now, she loves the practice to be had on other's garments that need some love and care.hook nine. Growing up in Gridania she was a rare sight of bouncing little ears, the girl would stick out more than anything. Did you see her in passing?



lord of leaf husband

rutos caelum

boss with benefits

valentine liliverne

dad of death

lennox voronin

This handsome Veena would take away all attention from others, as it did with Kore. Lord of a snow covered manor in Coerthas, he transplanted to La Noscea with his house and title. After a long courtship, he and his beloved Rava married and oversee his lands, all while spoiling his new wife.

The one who welcomed her back, the one who was always there, the one who will always be in her heart. Valentine is no stranger to Kore's life (or bed) nor ever would be. She will always be a most loving confidante in her life that also happens to be her boss at PBM where she and Rupert are bartenders.

Though mostly scared of most men of his race, Lennox is the exception to the rule. As a loving father figure in her life, she adores the Doctor even if he is a bit blunt and short on words sometimes. Another co-worker at PBM, you've probably seen him lingering around keeping the peace.

cherished coworker

fae ren sanja

fellow barkeep nuisance

batuhan sanja

Only recently has Kore developed a fancy for a certain woman clad in skin tight black clothing. Her feelings towards the Viera are that of affection and adoration all the while being in constant squabbles with Fae's husband.

Rocky is only one way to describe the connection between Kore and Batu, but through constant bickering and eyerolling, she may yet see the yearning soul wandering the realm with his wife to do good.

play guide


  1. RP takes place in-game only

  2. Ask for discord if need for planning out scenes and RP encounters

  3. This character is no longer available for ERP, but flirting and soft advances are fine for storytelling

  4. Mare is available for RP partners

  5. RP =/= IRL relationship


  • This player is over the age of 21

  • Usually available super late evenings or early afternoons

  • Don't hesitate to voice concerns over a scene if uncomfortable with how the encounter is going

  • Available for Gpose commissions starting at 100k a photo, NSFW comms 200k


Gil for Discord banner or PFP
3 mil Gil

Many turns ago an elezen woodcutter walked the woods on his way home to his wife and young daughter when he heard the cries of a babe. He followed the echoing wails of the child and found a bundle of rags in a hollow tree stump. The woodcutter, Feoneux Meadows, unraveled the rags around the infant a bit and found these brilliant emerald eyes staring back at him.And so, he couldn't leave it out in the wilds of Bentbranch, he took it to his home. His wife, Ephone, shocked and curious at the sight of her husband coming through the door with a child, she took the bundle from him. She unwrapped the babe and out popped the long lavender colored ears, they had never seen anything like her. Bronze skinned, green eyes, purple hair, and dark red in the face from crying.

Knowing they couldn't possibly take her back from wherever it was she came from, they raised her as their own alongside their own daughter, Coreux. They had no one idea where she was from or what her name was. Ephone called her โ€œLittle Lavenderโ€ until she was 3 when her daughter wanted to name her after herself, a very prideful child.So thus, the babe was named Kore. She and Coreaux grew up playing in the forest and fought like many children do, Coreaux usually bullying Kore into submission. In their teens, both girls were exceptional archers, training nearly every day and part of the guild in New Gridania. But Kore could never quite reach the level of elite that her older sister had, always one step behind her sibling. Nonetheless a peaceful and happy existence was lived.

The calamity came faster than anyone could expect, fires and terror reigned through the lands, her home burned down with her parents still inside. Heartbroken and angry, Coreaux stayed behind, joining armies to fight for her city state of Gridania, sadly also losing her life to the war. Alone and scared, She heard of a far land of a sea of grass called Azim where things were peaceful and untouched by the devastation.The young woman journeyed over and found many tribes to converse with, some friendly and some not. Eventually, Kore found herself gravitating towards a Xaela, Esug, she had met in the stalls that was an excellent marksman.Wowed by his ability she begged day and night to train with him, unwavering as he was he finally gave in to cease the young Vieraโ€™s constant questions. Esug took her as his pupil with a few special others, including his own son, Usen who had taken quite the fascination with his father's latest student.

Spending a few months with Esug and his family, the eager young woman became a quick learner and while hunting her speed was unmatched by any others of the tribe in her drawing skills, earning her the name The Violet Arrow to the Dotharl. As a clan, they would often visit Reunion for trade and other goods.A Viera in a strange land would attract attention, the attention from dangerous tribes. One quiet night a group of wild Budugas kidnapped Kore, killing a few of the dotharl who stood in their way. Once at their camp she'd be put through a grueling night of threats, physical assaults and other unsavory things done to her person.Esug, Usen, and warriors of the Dotharl rode all night asking allied tribes if they had seen the girl, soon they managed to locate the camp in the caves hidden from the moonlight. There they would bleed every man of the Badugas out of the rocky setup. Kore was barely alive.

With many moons passing she soon recovered, but was no longer the same, her eyes not shining as bright Watching the pain of his now surrogate daughter, Esug and his wife, Dera urged their son to follow his heart that lead to her. To make her his own and give her a full life to outshine her horrific night. Usun was furious with what they had done to the only love he had ever known.But there was nothing more he could do but offer safety in his arms and home. Her heart was healing as he showered her with silks, affections, and sweet fruits. Under the stars of the each passing night they swam in the ponds and laid with one another til dawn each night. Kore had fallen for the tribesman and would be his wife.Spending years with her bowmaster and his tribe, happy and content with her new life and along side a new family, it didn't last long for the young woman. A sudden death to her treasured mentor and soon to be husband shook her to her soul, so much she still will not speak of it to this day. The only comfort she found was in Dera, who was withering away from a broken heart.

There was nothing she could do for her new mother and through Dera's last breath she told the young Viera to leave, nothing was here for the girl any longer only the sting of hurt and terror, that she should return home and heal the wounds with time, with this she knew Dera was right and had to return to her city-state. Staying in The Steppe was no longer in Kore's view as the pain was too much.Everything seemed so peaceful and calm once she returned back to Gridania, although not much coin to her name, She searched for odd jobs and eventually landed in a brothel run by a small Auri named, Nami Rin. Kore had a talent for talking to people with the basics of charisma in her manner, also a bit of a showoff herself, she was hired and became a natural at the escort business.Starting out as a mere low-rung whore, there was more to the brothel life than just letting someone lay her out. Her mannerisms had to be amicable, submissive when wanted, as well as seductive and entertaining.

These were lessons she'd learn over time to master and serve properly to the Rin's business. Soon, this syndicate would find out there was more use of the Viera then just putting her on a stage to be fawned over. Kore had accidentally managed to get vital information from an allied yakuza family of the Rin's in Kugane that planned to betray her newest employer. Kore at once told her Lady Nami and soon the Madame saw potential in the violet woman. Putting her in the courtesan role to only the richest and potentially weak-spined aristocrats.With this the Rava became a popular attraction of the many bosses and travelers who would travel all over to see the beauties of the Hingashi manor. Under the guise of courtesan, Kore was to be sent as a gift to lonely sons of rival families so the lovely Viera could make her way into their hearts and extract valuable intel of the many syndicates for her beloved employers. These visits and meetings did not go unseen or unrewarded. The Lady Nami showered her favorite in jewels, expensive clothes, and even a hefty plot of land on her beloved Gridania. The Rava was finally having some semblance of happiness again.

However, the skills as a bow fighter grew weak and Kore felt she needed to sharpen them yet again. not letting her teachings in Gridania and Azim go to waste. Thus found her way to the Forbidden lands of Eureka, a sad lonely piece of earth riddled with dangers and riches still running deep through the lands along with the pelts of the beasts that would sell for top coin.Eureka would prove to be a long difficult road to glory, going so far as to take place in a massive fight in the Baldesion Arsenal where the once little aether sensitivity she had was snapped out of her after the grueling fight. But after finding many treasures that she knew some folk would sell their souls for, it all seemed worth losing the bit of aether sense she had.Bringing these things back to the Lady Nami who would see potential in the things the Rava brought back. As her friend and closest courtesan, Nami offered her a generous cut as the Rin's sold and moved the items.

Watching how they moved the supplies fascinated her, asking her Madame if she could do so on her own. Stand on her own two feet and put that famous charm to work for an even more expensive price. Soon, she would get her chance to earn these skills from Dalmasca where she joined the Bozjan Resistance.Deep in the mud of the frontlines of the destroyed area of Bozja, the young woman saw how these people were fighting so hard for lands that were bitter-torn and in shreds, building blasted and melting into nothing. A smoking crater of once lush land. Saddened and moved by the efforts, she herself worked hard day and night, never leaving the devastated area for months at a time to become a high ranking Blade.There she earned herself the rank of The Emblazoned, where she commanded lines of soldiers and went into many a battle with them, watching many of them die. But late at night, with the sounds of far away bombings, she'd pack boxes of parts of the magiteks that were still in working order that had been slightly damaged for those in the west that would pay an arm and a leg for.

She'd get them to a safer area such as Gangos and here she'd have to figure out how to distribute and sell. Especially with the war coming towards its final chapter.Inquiries and poking around La Noscea would lead her to a particular man who had a lead a small guild of misfit adventures. He was a beautiful Veena. The most precious thing she had ever laid eyes on. With puppy-love clouding her mind she went to the lord, Rutos, and asked to join his house and align herself to protect and bring new life to his house. He obliged and let the woman set up office as a base of operations for her trading company.With lingering glances and soft smiles came budding a romance so sweet and gentle between them. Rutos, a well-versed warrior in his own right wasn't used to such feelings of tenderness, nor could Kore understanding the rise of such things after so long. Months of this attraction between the two, even having outings with only just the two of them, showing off skills or merely just eating together under the shade of trees.

Every moment the woman wasn't in business dealings or Rutos was not off dealing with hunting and overseeing his people, the two were together.Day and night by each other's side. Still only friends, who kissed, she moved into the lands he owned in the east where they would stay every so often. She even welcomed his presence into her beloved Gridanian home where they sipped tea on her patio.Even gifting her a meerkat that escaped off an island and hopped aboard a submarine as a stowaway that the Veena was piloting. Named Rupert as a small joke towards Rutos name, the meerkat was highly intelligent and communicated quite clearly in little chitters and gestures. More than a fancy pet, Rupert became a companion, almost a very chattery child, of the two. A year and some of this quiet love, Rutos asked for her hand to be only his alone. She agreed with no apprehension or hesitation.

Leaving the guardianship of her Lady Nami with the Auri's blessing, she was free to live under her own will, which was to be with him for eternity.Terror and harm were only distant memories for the Rava. In his arms she forgot every pain and every sadness. She had found everything she had be unknowingly searching for. Now as the Lady of Leaf, she does her business trades and deals with countless merchants, still very illegal, but her allies protect that.Even more, someone would probably recognize her from her days in Hingashi, or seen the purple flash of hair in the Steppe. She's done so much in such a short life, but there's much more to come with those soon to make her acquaintance.